Beginning Sound Game |
Like most kids, we have a large collection of plastic animals, cars, and toys. I had my son collect 20 animals and put them in a small tub. While he was busy collecting his toys, I took a piece of construction paper and divided it into 24 squares. I wrote the alphabet letters in the top of each square. (Letters U/V and X/Y shared a box.) When he was done, he recounted the animals and then the game began. He had to place the animal in the correct box depending on the beginning sound of the animal. For example: Spider, what sound do you hear when you say spider? He would place it on the letter Ss. When he was done, I asked him to find other toys that would fit into the empty boxes. We looked at which box had the most toys. It was a fun and educational way to play with his toys!
For a challenge: Do the ending sounds of the animals and toys!
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