The holidays are upon us and we are stuck indoors due to the rain. I did some research online and found two recipes, one of which I have used in the past. Initially I wanted to do hand prints but I found this recipe best for using cookie cutters and stamps. (My next post will be the recipe for hand prints.) That being said, this project was easy, fast and fun. We were able to make these while my two month old napped. I cut this recipe in half and it made about 10 ornaments. Next time I will make the whole recipe. Once air dried, we will paint and add ribbon to hang on our tree or attach to gifts,
Recipe: yields about 20 ornaments
2 cups baking soda
1 cup cornstarch
1 1/4 cup water
1st xmas |
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Add ingredients and stir constantly | |
When it looks like mashed potatoes - cool with damp cloth covering it
Roll it out on a surface lightly dusted with cornstarch to about 1/4 inch, cookie cutter and stamp (optional), make hole for ribbon |
Ready to play...done crafting!
Air dry. Paint, glitter or leave white.
Hi. Is that recipe correct? The proportion of ingredients seems odd. works! I googled other recipes and all are the same. Try it and let me know how they turn out!