Saturday, June 28, 2014

Summer Adventures Week Two

I was lucky enough to be a teacher this week for incoming second graders at VBS (Vacation Bible School).  It was a great week for me and my boys.  That kept us busy each morning.

However, we found time to play in the dirt, make homemade pasta, and did some simple science experiments in the backyard.

My son loves making pasta!  Making a volcano out of flour, cracking the eggs inside it and crushing it with your hands.  It is always exciting!

I looked up simple science experiments on You-Tube and we decided on two.  The first one needed a small container of water, black pepper sprinkled on top of the water and then one drop of liquid soap in the middle.  Results: The pepper "ran away" to the edge of the water container.  We did it a couple of times.  Amazing!  
The second experiment included some of our favorite science ingredients - vinegar and baking soda.  We poured 1/4 cup on vinegar in a plastic water bottle.  Filled the bottom part of a balloon with baking soda.  Put the lip of the balloon on the water bottle and dumped the baking soda into the vinegar.  Results:  The balloon filled up with air because the vinegar and baking soda created carbon dioxide.  Very cool!
Then my son had fun mixing all the ingredients and seeing the reactions they caused.  Science it always fun!  I buy the vinegar and baking soda at the Dollar Store because we tend to go through a lot of it!
*We recorded the science projects in a notebook.  It included illustrations before and after the experiment with items labeled.

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