*Each morning starts with a weather report, calendar and counting the days of summer. Go over the activities for the day
*Adventure Walk - We came across a new tree swing which was super exciting. The boys threw mud clumps, saw a deer and listened to all the birds and squirrels in the trees. Great time to practice counting by ones, tens, fives, etc...
*Visited a Music Store
*Made structures out of marshmallows and toothpicks. I enjoyed listening to the boys talk about their creations.
*Made a home for a rollie pollie

*Made popsicles from the leftover smoothie
*Played drums with rhythm sticks
*Visited the library and signed up for the reading program
*Made an ABC chalk maze
*Watered the garden and played London Bridges with the hose
*Popped popcorn and watched a movie
*Water colored
*Read a comic book
*Played with Kinetic Sand
*Walked the dog
*Frisbee targets
*Sight Word mind reader game
*Went to 3 different parks and talked about what we liked about them
*Play dates, swim and karate
*Friday Fun Day was a trip on BART to San Francisco
*Wrote three things they liked about their week
It was a great start to Summer!
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