Spring has Sprung with a ton of cute crafts using hands and feet. I was a bit overwhelmed when I researched what my boys could do for April's project. Initially I thought of a handprint bunny - "Some bunny LOVES you!" I painted my son's pinky, index finger and palm white and pressed on blue paper. However, it came out too light. So I tried brown paint. Looked messy. Next I thought of a cute yellow chick and the wings would be handprints. However, no yellow paint. So finally, I decided on a footprint butterfly. What was great about this project was that I was able to use colors I had and my older son got involved by painting my younger son's foot random colors. I put my 18 month old in his high chair (confined) and my 6 year old "tickled" his foot as he painted it. I poured out three colors on a paper plate and used a sponge brush to paint his feet. You can use one color or multiple colors. Don't forget your wet wipes! Once foot is painted press on card stock.
You want the feet to be facing out so the big toes are to the edge of the paper (opposite). Leave just enough room between foot prints to make the butterflies body.
Once dry, use a Sharpie to draw the body and antenna between the two footprints. Have your child press their thumbprint at the end of each antenna.
I found this quote that describes my 18 month old perfectly:
"I'm like a butterfly; pretty to look at, hard to catch."
I hope you enjoy getting crafty this month. Happy Spring!
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