This year I have been introduced to the Back-to-School Fairy and am so excited! Heading back to school always has so many mixed emotions and this is the perfect way to ease any fears. This concept can be modified for your family but hopefully can be a new tradition to start each new school year! Whatever the Fairy brings, make sure it is something they need - not just a reason to buy more toys!
Message and PJ's from the Back-to-School Fairy |
1. Back-to-School PJ Fairy - I'd like to thank my college roommate and now mother of three beautiful girls for this idea. Her girls found this adorable message and brand new PJ's the night before school started. You could also put some special fairy dust under their pillow.
I brought you some jammies to wear tonight,
I hope they take away back-to-school fright!
You will do great! You can hardly wait!
Jump in bed - Don't cover your head.
Good Night...Sleep Tight...Sweet Dreams!
Love, the Back to School Fairy
2. Back-to-School Book Fairy - There are so many great books about starting school. Inscribe a special message inside from the School Fairy wishing them a great year. Don't forget to write the date inside!
The Storyteller: 30 Lafayette Cir, Lafayette, CA 94549 (925) 284-3480
3. Back-to-School Fairy Breakfast - Prepare a special, healthy breakfast from the Fairy. Make a personalized placemat, Welcome to First Grade!
4. Special Delivery - Tell your child to place their backpack outside their bedroom and in the morning, the Back-to-School Fairy will deliver something special. You can put school supplies, new shirt, snacks or new water bottle.
5. School or Class Mascot - The Back-to-School Fairy can surprise them with a small stuffed animal of their class or school mascot.
6. Special Message from the Fairy in their lunch on their napkin
There are so many fun ideas! You can bet your child will look forward to starting school each year with the return of the Back-to-School Fairy! Just think, you could also send a care package to your
college student from the Fairy.
Have a great year!