Friday, April 10, 2020

Spinning Bunnies

Spinning Bunny Experiment
Each Spring we conduct the Spinning Bunny experiment.  Even though we know how to make them spin, it is still fun to drop the bunnies off our stairs and watch them spin to the ground.  If this is your first time, have you and your family "predict" which way the bunny will spin before you begin.

Here is a video to explain how to perform the experiment:  Spinning Bunnies

*Print out the bunnies below so that it fits on an 8 1/2 x 11 piece of paper.
Color, cut out, and fold on the dotted lines. Place a paperclip on the bottom. Hold onto the ears and drop. Predict which way the bunny will spin? Ears straight up? Two ears down? Or one ear forward and one ear back? 

Spinning Bunny pattern